Anna T.

Close[t] Demonstrations

Close[t] Demonstrations an exhibition on the multitudes of queer invisibility 3/11 - 24/11/2023

Die interdisziplinäre Ausstellung zu queerer Repräsentation, DeMonstration und Un_Sichtbarkeit präsentiert Wiener Künstler:innen mit Migrationshintergrund und internationale Künstler:innen mit Wien-Bezug. Kunstschaffende treffen in der Semmelweisklinik (Wien) auf Pädagog:innen und Forscher:innen, um einen genauen Blick auf Machtdynamiken rund um queere Un_Sichtbarkeit und das „gay Closet“ zu werfen. Ihre Filme, Performances, Illustrationen, Installationen, Textilien diskutieren die Relevanz Wiens als Ort der Migration und West/Ost-Nord/Süd Solidarität.

An interdisciplinary exhibition presenting artists who imagine a new visual politics of queer representation and explore the connection between desires, ways of living and societal change in visible and/or invisible ways. The exhibition will be showcasing works that address the relationship between the political and the visual, and explore visual aspects of today’s queer lives, struggles and imaginations. The artworks attempt to unearth the power dynamics, pleasures, and desires involved in queer in_visibilty, and the diverse ways queer in_visibilities manifest within (post)colonial, authoritarian, neoliberal, capitalist regimes. As the title suggests, we want to explore visibilities, invisibilities, and the liminal, and perhaps overlapping, space between them as well as public, collective, and community-based manifestations of discontent and the need for social change.


The exhibition is curated by Mag. Dr. Anna T., an artist, educator, and curator based in Vienna. Her artistic, curatorial, and scholarly work draw from poststructuralism, queer theory, decoloniality, peripherical knowledge, aesthetics, and affect. Since 2003 she has exhibited internationally and has collaborated extensively with academics, activists, and creatives in Greece, the UK, Germany, and Austria. Her monograph Opacity – Minority – Improvisation: An Exploration of the Closet Through Queer Slangs and Postcolonial Theory was published by transcript in 2020.

Ass.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Katharina Wiedlack is project leader of the exhibition and the art research project “Magic Closet and the Dream Machine” on the representation of queer life in/from the post-Soviet space. She is Assistant Professor for Anglophone Cultural Studies at the Department of English and American Studies, University of Vienna.

Iain Zabolotny is an activist, interpreter and researcher from Novosibirsk, RU. They studied Public Relations and Transcultural Communications and are currently studying Interptreting an the University of  Vienna. Iain is also a part of in the FWF art-based research project “Magic Closet” on East-West solidarity.

Tegiye Birey is a text worker and community-enthusiast from the Mediterranean. She is a PhD Candidate in Gender Studies at Central European University and Utrecht University, and her research performs a postcolonial/decolonial feminist reading of migration solidarity.

Giulia Andrighetto is a member of the research platform GAIN and researches queer feminism, ecology, western gender philosophy, capitalism and alternative forms of economic solidarity in Viennese “intentional economic communities.”