Kim Sanou, Isabelle Edi & Mariama Sow

Black Fairy Tale Action 2: “Akụkọ Ifo – reading and imagining”

Sa 01. Juli 2023, 20:00–22:00
  • Datum:

Akụkọ Ifo, a reading session and workshop on the art of Nigerian storytelling. 
Facilitated by Henrie Dennis, co-founder of Afro Rainbow Austria, this workshop is a space where we collectively explore and reimagine black fairytales through African narratives and storytelling. Together, we will queer and reimagine our stories, reclaim narratives and empower our voices through the power of storytelling. Under the moonlight..

– Saturday 1th July

– Prater Vienna (Exact location will be announced)

– 8pm- Please write us if you want to join:

– This is a workshop for Black identified People


  • Eintritt frei
  • Reservierung/Voranmeldung: notwendig



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More informations via message before the action or @Instagram: