Tea by the river bank
Kwasuka sukela… tails told my umakhulu
We often hear fables told by the west often through documented stories, Disney and the Grimm brothers. I want to dedicate this day as a day of fables from an African perspective specifically from South Africa. Stories that were past down through generations, fables about morals not only about beauty but about survival, about building intellect and stories that have an influence from the colonial era. These stories are about the mischievous Jackal, about Unogwasha the rabbit, Ibhubesi the lion. I invite you to tea by the river bank. The event will take place at the Tiergarten, specific location will follow and meeting point. Please bring stories to share, music to share and an ear to listen.
– Thursday 3th August
– Hermesvilla, Lainzer Tiergarten
– 4pm gathering
– Please write us if you want to join: blackfairytale@systemli.org
– This is a workshop for Black identified PeopleXxx