Das Queer Museum Vienna zieht in das ehemalige Direktionsgebäude des Otto-Wagner-Spitals (Pavillon C / Stiege 2) und setzt somit seine Wanderung durch die Stadt fort. Der Frage „Is Queer Political?“ wird in zwei Ausstellungen nachgegangen, die durch Vermittlungsprogramm und Events ergänzt werden. Queere Menschen sind immer Teil der Gesellschaft, ebenso Künstler:innen, die ihre Identität außerhalb der heteronormativen Matrix verhandeln. Um her-, their- and histories zu schreiben macht das QMV unterrepräsentierte künstlerische Positionen sichtbar.
Queer Museum Vienna - Verein zur Förderung queerer Kunst, Kultur und Künstler*innen
Is Queer Political?
So 23. Juni, 14:00–20:00Eintritt frei
Summer Party & “Is Queer Political?” Finissage - Last Scandal Before the Summerloch
We are celebrating the last day of the exhibition and the end of the project “Is Queer Political?” with an artist talk and a... Details
Mi 29. Mai, 19:00–21:00Eintritt frei
Screening Politics - Short Movie Night
As part of the exhibition “Is queer political?”, we will show a curated selection of fantastic and thought provoking short films.... Details
So 19. Mai, 12:00–18:00Eintritt frei
FantaZine Workshop
We are happy to host the Fantazine workshop by Lis & Jule. The offer is free of charge, please register via... Details
Do 16. Mai, 18:00–20:00Eintritt frei
Kessel-Kochshow - Edition Gulasch von und mit David Hoffmann und Zoltán Lesi
Kettle cooking show - Goulash edition
by David Hoffmann and Zoltán Lesi
Join us on a culinary journey into the goulash kettle!... Details
So 05. Mai, 15:00–18:00Eintritt frei
IS QUEER POLITICAL? Free guided tour + coffee & cake
We regularly offer “Coffee & Cake” and free guided tours through the current exhibition. This Sunday it’s that time again... Details
Sa 27. April, 18:00–20:00Eintritt frei
Politics in Practice - Performance special
After the great performances at the Opening “Is Queer Political?”, we continue the series of performance art with two... Details
Sa 20. April, 13:00–16:00Eintritt frei
Theater Workshop: Open Soul Method with Danilo Jovanović
The Open Soul Method is based on authenticity, exposure, vulnerability, transparency and curiosity. The focus is on storytelling and... Details
So 14. April, 15:00–18:00Eintritt frei
IS QUEER POLITICAL? Free guided tour + coffee & cake
We regularly offer “Coffee & Cake” and free guided tours through the current exhibition. This Sunday it’s that time again... Details
Do 11. April, 18:30–20:00Eintritt frei
Porn is political! Shorts
Queer Museum Vienna x PFFV Porn Shorts
Dive into a curated collection of PORN IS POLITICAL! SHORTS that artfully and passionately... Details
So 24. März, 15:00–18:00Eintritt frei
IS QUEER POLITICAL? Free guided tour + coffee & cake
We regularly offer "Coffee & Cake" and free guided tours through the current exhibition. This Sunday it's that time again and we... Details
Do 14. März, 19:00–22:00Eintritt frei
A Quest to Save White Men & it‘s giving Rich White Gay - An evening with Aung & Corç George Demir
As part of the parallel program accompanying the current exhibition "Is Queer Political?", Queer Museum Vienna presents an evening... Details
Fr 23. Februar, 18:00–22:00Eintritt frei
Opening 23rd of February 2024 at 6pm
The QUEER MUSEUM VIENNA issued its first open call for artistic positions relating to the... Details
Fr 23. Februar – So 23. JuniEintritt frei
Opening Times:
Thursday: 2pm-8pm
Friday: 2pm-8pm
Saturday: 2pm-6pm (Please note: Saturday 8 June... Details
Di 30. Januar, 19:00–22:00Eintritt frei
Queer Art in (ex)Yu” and diaspora: constructing an identity
Eine Gesprächsrunde in Englisch
Die Idee dieser Gesprächsrunde ist es, Diskussionen über queere Kunst in Jugoslawien sowie über... Details
Do 18. Januar, 19:00–22:00Eintritt frei
The Death of Hammam: Decoupling of Homosociality and Homosexuality in the Post-Ottoman Balkan
A lecture by Mišo Kapetanović in English
Introduced by the Turkish Empire, the hammams played a pivotal role in shaping Eastern... Details
Do 11. Januar, 19:00–22:00Eintritt frei
"In Frauenkleidern" - Lesung und Gespräch mit Zoltán Lesi
Der Gedichtband ‚In Frauenkleidung‘ (a. d. Ungarischen von Nóra Keszerice, Edition Mosaik) verfolgt den Lebensweg... Details
So 17. Dezember 2023, 15:00–19:00Eintritt frei
Zeichenworkshop mit Comic-Künstler Muniel Muniel
Zeichenworkshop mit Comic-Künstler Muniel Muniel
Im Rahmen des Projekts “Is Queer Political”
Gemeinsames Zeichnen mit dem... Details
Fr 15. Dezember 2023, 19:00–22:00Eintritt frei
Gloomy Holidays with Undead People
Filme von Thomas Hörl, Berivan Sayici und La Terre
Das QUEER MUSEUM VIENNA freut sich, euch am 15. 12. 2023 um 19 Uhr nicht nur... Details
Fr 08. Dezember 2023, 19:00Eintritt frei
kuratiert von Srdjan Knezevic
Von und mit Lejla Kalamujic, Srdjan Knezevic, Srdjan Sandic, Masha Dabic und Aleksandar Popov
Eine... Details
So 03. Dezember 2023, 14:00–18:00Eintritt frei
Kaffee Kuchen Handarbeit
Wir nehmen den ersten Advent zum Anlass, gemütlich bei Kaffee und Kuchen zusammen zu kommen. Es gibt die Gelegenheit, neue... Details
Fr 10. November 2023, 18:00–22:00Eintritt frei
Eröffnung der Ausstellung "Arcadia – Queer Art of Diasporic Subjects"
On Friday, 10th of November 2023 we would like to celebrate not only the starting point of our project "Is Queer Political?" and the... Details
Di 10. Oktober 2023 – So 04. FebruarEintritt frei
Arcadia – Queer Art of Diasporic Subjects
Exhibition: arcadia - queer art of diasporic subjects
October 10th 2023 - Sunday 4th 2024
Opening times:
Thursday: 11- 8 pm... Details